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Kwapa Camp has ten 3 x 4 meru-style tents with an en-suite bathroom with bucket showers, flush toilets and a basin with running cold water. Each tent is furnished with a small hanging cupboard, two camp beds, sheets, pillows, duvet and towels. A battery-operated LED light is provided in the tents. The verandah has a comfortable relaxing chair.

Because our courses are modular and there is an element of self study we can avoid a rigid schedule and the trainer can create a weekly training programme based entirely on local conditions, wildlife movements  and water levels.


We try by all means to make sure that every student who joins our programmes has exposure to all our training. This means that every week we will do at least 1 mokoro excursion, some boating, game-drive, bush walks, a sleep out in the wilderness, basic weapons training (not for bush skills or the birding course), tracking, navigation, survival skills, hydrology, ecology etc.

Most days have a minimum of 2 lecture sessions. Although these are "lecture" sessions, parts of these classess are conducted by our students, and we favour a more conversational style of learning.

Please note that the flood waters of the Okavango are seasonal. Water based activities on our guide training courses are dependent on water levels. Our peak flood is typically middle to end of August.
e are experiencing a drought at Kwapa Camp in 2024 and boating will not be possible. If water comes down the Xudum system, we may be able to offer mokoro activities July - September.

There are some rare years where water does not reach Kwapa Training Camp and this looks to be one of them. 



Kwapa Camp

Kwapa Camp

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