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Nature Guide Videos

Game Drive Techniques 1

Take a game drive with our head trainer, Jono Harper, and learn some of the basic techniques for delivering and excellent game-drive experience. 

These little tips and tricks will go a long way to making the drives you will do while on course with us more entertaining and enjoyable. 

Nature Guide Introduction

Are you coming on a Nature Guide course with us? If so, this video will go a long way to helping you to arrive mentally and physically prepared for a course of a life-time. Then Nature Guide Course is not a cheap safari.

Trails Guide Videos

Rifle Safety 1

This is the very first steps in qualifying to be assessed on the rifle range for your FGASA and BQA Advanced Rifle Handling (ARH). It teaches the full weapons and ammunition check as well as the bolt mechanism. If you are planning to attend a trails guide course this is a great head-start.

Rifle Safety 2

The Blindfold Drill - Element 2 of the Botswana Qualification Authority (BQA) Trails Guide Assessment for Advanced Rifle Handling (ARH) This video teaches candidates how to handle their weapon without looking at the rifle and keeping your focus on the charging PDA and their guests behind them. Remarkably similar to the FGASA ARH Assessment

Speed Shooting Techniques 1

Advanced Rifle Handling is an essential module in your Trails Guide Course. Learning the fundamental principles of being able to load a high calibre rifle and bring it to your eye in a quick and efficient manner is vital to being able to provide a safe walking experience as a trails guide. 

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